book cover
Operating System Concepts Essentials
Second Edition
Avi Silberschatz
Peter Baer Galvin
Greg Gagne

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Review Questions

We provide Review Questions for the Second Edition of Operating System Concepts Essentials , by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne. These review questions have been developed from consultation from professors who have adopted this text for an operating systems class. The purpose behind these questions is for professors to easily quiz students to ensure students are reading the assigned materials. These are not difficult questions and the answers can easily be derived from reading the text associated with each question. The questions are organized according to section.

The material below are copyright by Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne, 2013. Use of the material is authorized for personal use, and for use in conjunction with a course for which Operating System Concepts is the prescribed text. Any use that differs from the above, and any for profit sale of the manual (in any form) requires the consent of the copyright owners; contact Avi Silberschatz ( to obtain the copyright owners consent.

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Chapter Review Question
Last Updated
Part 1: Overview
1. Introduction
Dec 21, 2013
2. Operating-System Structures
Dec 21, 2013
Part 2: Process Management
3. Processes
Dec 21, 2013
4. Threads
Dec 21, 2013
5. Process Synchronization
Dec 21, 2013
6. CPU Scheduling
Dec 21, 2013
Part 3: Memory Management
7. Memory Management
Dec 21, 2013
8. Virtual Memory
Dec 21, 2013
Part 4: Storage Management
9. Mass-Storage Structure
Dec 21, 2013
10. File-System Interface
Dec 21, 2013
11. File-System Implementation
Dec 21, 2013
12. I/O Systems
Dec 21, 2013
Part 5: Protection and Security
13. Protection
Dec 21, 2013
14. Security
Dec 21, 2013
Part 6: Case Studies
15. The Linux System
Dec 21, 2013

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