book cover Operating System Concepts
Eight Edition
Avi Silberschatz
Peter Baer Galvin
Greg Gagne

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We provide a set of slides to accompany each chapter. Click on the links below to download the slides in the format of your choice: Powerpoint and PDF slides. We also provide, for each chapter, the entire set of figures in Powerpoint format.

Copyright Note

The slides below are copyright Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne, 2008. The slides are authorized for personal use, and for use in conjunction with a course for which Operating System Concepts is the prescribed text. Instructors are free to modify the slides to their taste, as long as the modified slides acknowledge the source and the fact that they have been modified. Paper copies of the slides may be sold strictly at the price of reproduction, to students of courses where the book is the prescribed text. Any use that differs from the above, and any for profit sale of the slides (in any form) requires the consent of the copyright owners; contact Avi Silberschatz ( to obtain the copyright owners consent.

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Chapter Formats Last Updated
Part 1: Overview
1. Introduction pptx, pdf Jan 7, 2011
2. Operating-System Structures pptx, pdf Jan 14, 2011
Part 2: Process Management
3. Processes pptx, pdf Jan 15, 2011
4. Threads pptx, pdf Jan 27, 2011
5. CPU Scheduling pptx, pdf Feb 7, 2011
6. Process Synchronization pptx, pdf Feb 22, 2011
7. Deadlocks pptx, pdf March 10, 2011
Part 3: Memory Management
8. Main Memory pptx, pdf March 10, 2011
9. Virtual Memory pptx, pdf March 31, 2011
Part 4: Storage Management
10. File-System Interface pptx, pdf March 31, 2011
11. File-System Implementation pptx, pdf May 19, 2011
12. Mass-Storage Structure pptx, pdf April 18, 2011
13. I/O Systems pptx, pdf April 23, 2011
Part 5: Protection and Security
14. Protection pptx, pdf April 23, 2011
15. Security pptx, pdf May 1, 2011
Part 6: Distributed Systems
16. Distributed System Structures pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
17. Distributed File Systems pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
18. Distributed Coordination pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
Part 7: Special-Purpose Systems
19. Real-Time Systems pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
20. Multimedia Systems pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
Part 8: Case Studies
21. The Linux System pptx, pdf May 1, 2011
22. Windows XP pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
23. Historical Perspective No slides .
A. BSD UNIX pptx, pdf March 25, 2010
B. The Mach System No slides .
C. Windows 2000 pptx, pdf March 25, 2010

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Errors and Additions

Please bring any errors to our notice, using the chapter number and the slide title to identify the slide.

The following people have reported errors in the slides: Ben Karel, Jalal Alowibdi, Pete Sanderson

If you have any talks that you would like to share with other users of the book, do let us know.

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